To promote and sustain a safe and welcoming environment at Bell so that our school reaches its full potential for every community member. We aim to raise community consciousness of how each individual’s decisions and actions impact social and racial justice. We will work to ensure that Bell has the right tools and is supported and held accountable in creating a more just and equitable school for all.

Bell Equity Group are hosting a discussion on zoom!

Join us Tuesday, May 23rd 6:00-7:00pm, 2023

We will discuss the TED talk, "What it takes to be racially literate." (If you get a chance, please watch ahead of time [12 mins].)

Priya Vulchi and Winona Guo traveled to all 50 US states, collecting personal stories about race and intersectionality. Now they're on a mission to equip every American with the tools to understand, navigate and improve a world structured by racial division. In a dynamic talk, Vulchi and Guo pair the personal stories they've collected with research and statistics to reveal two fundamental gaps in our racial literacy.

How can we parents/caregivers overcome those gaps and keep up with what our kids learn and experience?

Bell Mom Anna Shane will guide us through the discussion.

Click here for zoom link!


Bell Equity Group are hosting a discussion on zoom!

Join us Wednesday, May 17th at 7:30pm, 2022

We will discuss two companion TED(x) Talks: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s "The Danger of a Single Story," and Grace Lin’s "The Windows and Mirrors of Your Child's Bookshelf."

Resources can be found here. Bell Mom Rachel Rozycki will guide us through the discussion.

Please note this event is no longer in person

Click here for zoom link!

March Book Discussion: Differently Wired

The Neurodiversity subgroup of the Bell Parents/Caregivers Equity Group will be hosting a discussion of the book

Differently Wired: A Parent's Guide to Raising an Atypical Child with Confidence and Hope, by Deborah Reber.
Join via zoom, Tuesday March 22, 7pm CST here.

Open Door Meeting

We held an open door meeting on Tuesday, March 23rd.
You can find our recording here.

Watch here and/or our social media for future events.


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Twitter @BellEquity