Theme of the Month


 April 2022: Environmental Justice


PreK-5th Grade

This award-winning book, We Are Water Keepers by Carole Lindstrom, tells readers about the Native people fighting an oil pipeline.

What is environmental justice? The National Institutes of Health helps us understand what it is and why it's important.

6th-8th Grade

People from around the world are bringing attention to the environmental issues facing their communities.


A book about human health and garbage based in Chicago, Garbage Wars is a book on the conflicts over solid waste and pollution.

The controversy over an iron shredder in Chicago brings to light a recent environmental justice issue.


PreK-5th Grade

Listen to this read aloud to the award-winning We Are Water Keepers by Carole Lindstrom, which tells the story of Native people fighting an oil pipeline.

Sesame Street's "Listen, Act, Unite" song tells kids how to stand up to racism.

6th-8th Grade

Nick News from Nickelodeon covers environmental racism.

Preschool educator Cristal Cisneros discusses environmental justice in this TED Talk.

People from around the world are bringing attention to the environmental issues facing their communities.


Preschool educator Cristal Cisneros discusses environmental justice in this TED Talk.

Hazel M. Johnson, the mother of the environmental movement, brought attention to the health issues related to pollution in Chicago.


PreK-5th Grade

Coco Kallis's album, Environmental Songs for Kids, covers a range of environmental issues in catchy tunes.

A Rebel Girls podcast on environmental activist Greta Thunberg.

6th-8th Grade

1 Point 5: a kids podcast about environmental justice.


Study Sheds New Light On Environmental Racism: A conversation on WBEZ with environmental justice advocates in Chicago.

The Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast brings you the voices and stories of next generation environmental health and justice leaders from underrepresented backgrounds.


PreK-5th Grade

These coloring pages from the National Institutes of Health help kids learn about the environment and where waste ends up.

6th-8th Grade

People 13 or older can learn about the climate crisis and what to do about it. Click here to read more.


Check out these environmental justice organizations right here in the city.


PreK-2nd Grade

There are as many ways to communicate as there are to be human. Everyone communicates!

Friends of All Kinds! (a social story)

A Day in the Life of a Child with Sensory Processing Issues

3rd-5th Grade

Ask a Neurodivergent Narwhal: Neurodiversity is for everyone

Neurodivergent? Neurotypical? Neurodiverse? What does it all mean?

Autism Awareness vs. Autism Acceptance What is the difference?

6th-8th Grade

The way you talk about Autism tells the world how to treat Autistic people. Learn how to talk about autism without fear, hate, or stigma.

Interview with author Naoki Higashida about being a person with nonverbal autism

Neurodiversity Facts and Myths


The way you talk about Autism tells the world how to treat Autistic people. Learn how to talk about autism without fear, hate, or stigma.

Interview with author Naoki Higashida about being a person with nonverbal autism

Neurodiversity Facts and Myths


PreK-2nd Grade

Keep an eye out for the character "Max" while watching Daniel Tiger on PBS

Keep an eye out for the character "Ben" while watching Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum on PBS

Keep an eye out the the character "AJ Gadgets" while watching Hero Academy on PBS

3rd-5th Grade

Amazing Things Happen - by Alexander Amelines Alexander’s film gives an uplifting introduction to autism for young non-autistic audiences, aiming to raise awareness, understanding and tolerance in future generations.

See Dyslexia Differently This animation seeks to preempt misconceptions among young audiences by shedding light on the real challenges dyslexic children face whilst also acknowledging their strengths and potential.

Let's Talk about ADHD This animation discusses what it means to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

6th-8th Grade

Ask an Autistic #25 What is executive functioning? How do people use their executive functions in everyday life? What is it like to have executive dysfunction? How can I support people with executive dysfunction? Answers to all of these questions and more in this episode of Ask an Autistic!.


Neurodiversity Helps Parents Understand the Atypical Ways Kids Think The neurodiversity movement stresses a strength-based reevaluation of formerly negative medical diagnoses, and it works toward greater community awareness and inclusion for all.

Neurodiversity – the key that unlocked my world (TedXTalk w/Elisabeth Wiklander, autistic adult, professional musician)

Neurodiversity is a super power not a problem (TedXTalk w/Elaine Halligan, Parenting Specialist, parent to a neurodivergent dyslexic son)

Playing to Our Strengths: Neurodiversity & Education (TedXTalk w/Christy Hutton, educator; molecular, cell, and developmental biology)


PreK-2nd Grade

Little Children Big Challenges: Breath, Think, Do with Sesame Street App Store

6th-8th Grade

Why I make the Actually Autisic Podcast "Nothing About Us Without Us


The Neurodiversity Podcast Episode 112 "What is so Normal about Normal?

Bell Parent Equity Group Interview excerpt with Lisa Miranda about neurodiversity month and this month's book club discussion on March 22 at 7PM.


PreK-2nd Grade

The Neurodivergent Narwhal: Celebrate Autism Coloring Page

The Nora Project: Visual Calming Room

Disability 101 Lesson Guide

3rd-8th Grade

Explore the History of Disability Rights Lesson Guide


Seesaw Theatre, located in Evanston, strives to enrich the lives of disabled individuals by increasing their access to theatre and fostering the use of performance as a channel for expression.


 February 2022: Voter Rights

A Mini Theme


PreK-2nd Grade

Vote for Our Future by Margaret McNamara, a read-aloud about how kids can help get out the vote.

Middle school - Adult

Explore the arguments for and against voter identification laws.

American Bar Association: "Use It or Lose It": The Problem of Purges from the Registration Rolls of Voters Who Don't Vote Regularly


PreK-2nd Grade

GoNoodle VOTE Song

3rd-8th Grade

Just because young people aren’t old enough to vote doesn’t mean they can’t use their voices. Learn more about how students can influence elections and participate in the democratic process in Voting and Voices: Apathy Is Not an Option.

Middle school - Adult

A Storycorps animation: Theresa Burroughs relates the obstacles she faced trying to vote under Jim Crow laws in Alabama.

Washington Post Opinion video: Voter suppression never went away. It evolved. Historian Carol Anderson traces the evolution of voter suppression tactics, from poll taxes and literacy tests to the rise of strict voter ID laws and poll closures after the election of America’s first Black president.

Documentary Suppressed 2020: The Fight To Vote explores the recent history of voter suppression across the country, focusing on Georgia.

Playing to Our Strengths: Neurodiversity & Education (TedXTalk w/Christy Hutton, educator; molecular, cell, and developmental biology)



Take action through one of the many volunteer opportunities with Common Cause.

Volunteer to work a polling station with Power the Polls.


 January 2022: MLK Day

A Mini Theme



MLK Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. AmeriCorps has been charged with leading this effort for the past quarter century.

Join the Chicago History Museum for activities to reflect on Martin Luther King Jr's life and work through special family-friendly activities and performances for all ages

In Chicago Children’s Museum style, celebrate MLK Day on Monday,
January 17, 2022 to learn how Dr. King used his words and actions to stand up against injustice and help make the world fairer for all people.

Join the King Arts PTA on the MLK Dream Drive!
The Dream Drive is a guided audio tour and car parade through Evanston exploring the history and relevance of various locations to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. The audio tour is narrated by King Arts students and faculty.

Be part of Interfaith Action's 3rd Annual Walk for Warmth. Join us in the fight against homelessness and hunger in our community.

Dreams of Peace and Wellness: a virtual event

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Of Action - Social Media Blitz, with a focus on demanding voting rights legislation and access to the ballot box this year.

Where to learn, volunteer and celebrate on MLK Day, online or in person

Volunteer with the Honeycomb Project: Putting Kids at the Forefront of Social Change


 December 2021: Learning about Racism

A Mini Theme

Code Switch Podcast: When Xenophobia Spreads Like a Virus. To open link in a new page: click here

Alphabet Rockers Podcast: "So Get Me" These Walls Can't Stop Love. To open link in a new page: click here


One and The Same, a powerful song by Crys Matthews.

What Systemic Racism Means And The Way It Harms Communities (interview with author Ijeoma Oluo). To open link in a new page click here.

Talking to White Kids About Race & Racism To open link in a new page click here.

Acknowledging Racism Is A Good Start. But It's Only The First Step. To open link in a new page click here.


PreK-2nd Grade

Draw a picture of you, your family, and your class.

3rd-5th Grade

(Dinnertime conversation) Tell me about a time when you were treated unfairly, or when you saw someone treated unfairly. What did you do? What did people around you do?

6th-8th Grade

Considering Ibram Kendi's call for "Awareness, Reflection and Action," hold a Race and Ethnicity Conversation with Family and Friends Talking Points.


Read the article "When you say you don't see race..." Reflect on these questions from the National Museum of African American History:

  • What are some experiences or identities that are central to who you are? How do you feel when they are ignored or “not seen”

  • The author of this article points out how people often use nonvisual cues to determine race. What does this reveal to us about the validity of pretending not to see race?

Family activity: Complete the Universe of Obligation Map, one of Facing History and Ourselves primary equity and identity exploration tools. Use this tool to help consider how your decisions and actions may have ripple effects on society.


 November 2021: Honoring Native American Heritage Month

A Mini Theme


PreK-2nd Grade

Berenstein Bears "Trouble At School: Owáyawa-ta Wóiyotiyekiye" in the Lakota language.

3rd-8th Grade

Sing and dance along as Pamyua, an Indigenous performance group originating from Southwestern Alaska, performs a #ConcertsForKids show from Juneau! The songs are sung in the Yup'ik (Inuit) language and celebrate the symbiotic relationship between people and the environment.

6th-8th Grade

This documentary follows four Alaska Native women fighting to save Kodiak Alutiiq, an endangered language now spoken by less than 40 remaining fluent Native Elders.


This documentary follows four Alaska Native women fighting to save Kodiak Alutiiq, an endangered language now spoken by less than 40 remaining fluent Native Elders.


PreK-5th Grade

Emma Stevens sings Blackbird in Mi'kmaq to "raise awareness of the consequences of the endangerment of Indigenous languages across the world, with an aim to establish a link between language, development, peace, and reconciliation."

NativeRadio offers two streams: Contemporary and Pow Wow & Traditional.

6th-8th Grade

Explore NPR's Tiny Desk Concert playlist from Native American musicians. "Native musicians today are engaging with genre ... in exciting and vibrant and incredibly diverse ways."

Elisapie: Tiny Desk Concert

Listen to the NPR article: Evanston canoe launch marks homecoming for Chicago’s Native American community


After teaching children life lessons for nearly five decades through their books and recent TV series, the Berenstain bears are now helping revive the American Indian tribal language of Lakota. Listen to the story and then have your student watch the episode! To open link in a new page click here.

Explore NPR's Tiny Desk Concert playlist from Native American musicians. "Native musicians today are engaging with genre ... in exciting and vibrant and incredibly diverse ways." To open link in a new page click here.


PreK-2nd Grade

Cornhusk Dragonfly Corn was first domesticated by the Indigenous people of Mexico. Corn has long been an important food source for many communities throughout North and South America. The husk is also a useful material that can be used to create everything from dolls to bags and artwork. Create your own dragonfly using cornhusk.

3rd-5th Grade

Ice Hop Like Eskimos: The Scissor Broad Jump The Cook Inlet Tribal Council in Alaska sponsors the Native Youth Olympics every year. Youth compete in cultural physical challenges that traditionally helped prepare young Alaskan Natives hunt and fish in ice and cold weather. This activity helps children practice a jump used by Alaskan Natives to jump from one block of ice to another, or keep warm in extreme cold.

6th-8th Grade

Food Traditions: Making Cherokee Bean Bread This activity introduces the legend of Cherokee bean bread, also called cornbread, derived from the Trail of Tears. Included is a demonstration of the traditional way to make the bread. This activity also features a modern and traditional recipe for Cherokee bean bread. Enjoy some of the other traditional recipes featured as well.


Explore this Kennedy Center site as a family. Experience traditional culture of the indigenous peoples of the Americas through dance, music and visual arts. Watch Native Pride the eagle and hoop dances, learn how Keith Bear makes a flute, make a listening doll, and meet fancy dancers Larry and Jessup Yazzie.


 June 2021: A Look at Pride

A Mini Theme


Topsify Pride playlist. To open link in a new page click here.

PreK-2nd Grade

StoryCorps 474: “With Pride” - A StoryCorps podcast. To open link in a new page click here.

PreK-8th Grade

What if baseballs and basketballs were alive?” - A What If World podcast.

6th Grade-Adult

A scientific smackdown over the 30+ states banning trans athletes from girls/womens teams

A Researcher Is Trying To Settle The Transgender Athlete Debate — Using Science


Making Tennis a Misdemeanor - More than half of US states are working to ban, or even criminalize, trans athletes playing sports. Vox contributor Katelyn Burns explains how conservative politicians came to care so much about women’s sports. Transcript at


PreK-5th Grade

Crafts to DIY Pride!

6th-8th Grade

Quiz: How well do you know the LGBTQ+ Pride flags?


Who are you following on Social Media? Do an audit to ensure you have LGBTQIA+ voices in your feed

Sign the Trans Agenda - Demand the Biden Administration Implement the Trans Agena for Liberation

Update your pronouns on Instagram!


 May 2021: The 100th Anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre

A Mini Theme for Adults



Meet The Last Surviving Witness To The Tulsa Race Riot Of 1921. To open link in a new page click here.

A Century After The Race Massacre, Tulsa Confronts Its Bloody Past. To open link in a new page click here.


 May 25th 2021: One Year after the Killing of George Floyd

A Mini Theme for Adults



4 Ways George Floyd’s Murder Has Changed How We Talk About Race and Education

Floyd’s death laid bare the ‘Minnesota Paradox’ of racism

"It’s My Job to Watch. With George Floyd’s Death, I Had to Look Away." Devastated by the Rodney King verdict decades ago, our critic refused to view the video of Floyd’s murder. But she found solace in the art it inspired.

A year ago, ordinary Chicagoans became activists and leaders when George Floyd was murdered. How are they doing today?

Where Views On Race And Police Stand A Year After George Floyd's Murder

List of changes made due to the George Floyd protests



1 Year Later, The Video Of George Floyd's Death Has Lasting Impacts -- in future trials and police training. To open link in a new page click here.


 May 2021: Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month


PreK-2nd Grade

Students visit a Chinese concert featuring dance and music.

3rd-5th Grade

Fred Korematsu: Civil Rights Hero

6th-8th Grade

Reimagining the Chinese Tea dance from The Nutcracker.

Watch a few of these Storycorps videos celebrating AAPI voices.


What I Hear When You Say What Are You?

Asian Americans is a five-hour film series that chronicles the contributions, and challenges of Asian Americans, the fastest-growing ethnic group in America. Personal histories and new academic research casts a fresh lens on U.S. history and the role Asian Americans have played in it.


PreK-2nd Grade

“Aisholpan Nurgaiv” (Narrated by Lowri Morgan)

Listen to a Circle Round story from an Asian country, such as Mangoes in the Middle, from India, featurimg the bulbul tarang, an Indian instrument.

3rd-5th Grade

Following the tragic events that took place in Atlanta that resulted in eight people losing their lives, six of whom were of Asian descent, The Ten News takes a look at the importance of allyship and discusses how everyone can be an ally to someone. (And then talks about emojis!)

6th Grade-Adult

"Today, I Am A Witness To Change": A Crowdsourced Poem Against Anti-Asian Hate (also good for a read). To open link in a new page click here.

18 Asian / Asian-American musicians to listen to. From names you already know to those you should add to the queue.


Code Switch Podcast: Screams and Silence. To open link in a new page click here.

Self Evident: Asian America's Stories, Whose Dream Is This, Anyway?


PreK-2nd Grade

Make koinobori! In Japan, children hang fish-shaped kites called koinobori in celebration of Children's Day, May 5th.

3rd-5th Grade

Attend One Book One World's Poetry Writing with Janet Wong, an online event on May 22nd, 3-3:30pm

6th-8th Grade

Attend Chicago History Museum's virtual AAPI Heritage Month Family Day, May 29, 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Have a family discussion about how to be an ally, guided by this list of actions from Nickelodeon / The Conscious Kid.


Sign up for an online "Bystander Intervention Training" session to learn how to stop Asian-American harassment and xenophobia.


 April 2021: A look at Access, Advocacy, and the Arts in the Deaf community


PreK-5th Grade

ASL Coloring page

PreK-8th Grade

Check out a book about deafness from the Bell School Library!

6th-8th Grade

Search for and learn signs. Can you get a conversation started with what you've learned?


Learn about the Chicago Hearing Society and resources available to the DHH community in the Chicago area. Take an ASL class, hire and interpreter, or donate to support their work.

Shop Deaf owned business on Etsy


 March 2021: Women in American Politics


PreK-2nd Grade

Sing along to "Sister Suffragette" from "Mary Poppins"

3rd-5th Grade

Rebel Girls podcast: Kamala Harris. To open link in a new page click here.

6th Grade-8th Grade

Biden: Yellen needs a “Hamilton” musical. Dessa: Here you go. To open link in a new page click here

Rep. Haaland to be First Native American to hold a cabinet position: Secretary of Interior. To open link in a new page click here


How three women ran and challenged the notion of who could and should be president of the United States. To open link in a new page click here


PreK-5th Grade

Make your own campaign poster

3rd-5th Grade

Make a campaign poster for an important woman in your life

6th-8th Grade

Take a look through this timeline. Tell an adult about the three biggest surprises you found


Pick two states and help your kids look up the elected officials from those states.


 February 2021: Why We Still Need Black History Month


PreK-2nd Grade

I Am Brave

3rd-5th Grade

Something Happened In Our Town, by Celano, Collins, and Hazzard

The Other Side, by Jacqueline Woodson

6th-8th Grade

Knowing the Past Opens the Door to the Future. A brief intro to Carter G. Woodson establishing Negro History Week and why Black History Month is still important today

Meet the students behind BlackGen Capital, the first minority-owned investment fund at Cornell


Black History should be Celebrated Beyond February

Education Week: The Violent History of White Supremacy Is Rarely Taught in Schools. It Should Be

The Black Wall Street Times: The truth is, there can be no reconciliation without justice, and to date no one has been held accountable for the horror of Greenwood

The central role that slavery played in the development of the United States is beyond dispute. Yet, the practices of teaching and learning about this fact remain woefully inadequate. Professor Hasan Kwame Jeffries introduces Teaching Hard History: American Slavery, which can help change that. Full report:

A History Book That Isn't: Finding A Way To Teach Racism To A New Generation. Written to explain the American workings of Racism and Anti-Racism, and how you can identify and stamp out racist thoughts in daily lives. To open in a new tab click here.

Black American women lead NASA through their most historic moment


A Revisionist History: A dive into the famous Brown v Board of Education, with Malcom Gladwell talking to the Brown family. Gladwell provides the link from history to today's current school challenges.


PreK-5th Grade

Go through your books and find one with people who look different from you.

3rd-5th Grade

(Dinnertime conversation) Tell me about a time when you were treated unfairly, or when you saw someone treated unfairly. What did you do? What did people around you do?

6th-8th Grade

Take a look at these pictures from the NURFC, on Rachel, a slave on a Kentucky Farm. Write a short story on how you think Rachel would have felt on December 25th, 1865. Why do you think Rachel had the job she did after this day? Do you have any questions you would ask Rachel if you could?

Write a letter or email to a friend and tell them what you've learned about Black History Month. Be sure to include some questions, and encourage your friend to reply!


28 Ways to celebrate Black History Month

Family activity

Learn to play Mancala! This game has origins in Africa, and came to America with the slave trade. Known with a few different names, it is now one of America's most popular games!


 January 2021: Learning about Racism


PreK-5th Grade

Draw a picture of you, your family, and your class.

3rd-5th Grade

Go through your bookshelves: what percentage of your books have people of color represented? How many have a Black person as the main character?

Listen, Act, Unite! These are the things that we do when something that we see is not right.” Sing along with Sesame Street favorites and stand up to racism!

6th-8th Grade

Considering Ibram Kendi's call for "Awareness, Reflection and Action," hold a Race and Ethnicity Conversation with Family and Friends Talking Points.


Read the article "When you say you don't see race..." Reflect on these questions from the National Museum of African American History:

  • What are some experiences or identities that are central to who you are? How do you feel when they are ignored or “not seen”

  • The author of this article points out how people often use nonvisual cues to determine race. What does this reveal to us about the validity of pretending not to see race?

Family activity

Complete the Universe of Obligation Map, one of Facing History and Ourselves primary equity and identity exploration tools. Use this tool to help consider how your decisions and actions may have ripple effects on society.